
Johnnie Toth Award

This award is given each year by the Boosters in honor of an OLR student who died at an early age, while attending OLR, he suffered from many health problems. His determination, enthusiasm, and courage set him apart from typical teenagers of the early 1960's. This award has been presented each year since 1964 and is the oldest continuous award given at OLR. It is given to one 8th grade boy and girl. The award is given to an athlete of one or more sports who exemplifies the qualities Johnnie displayed. It is not an MVP award or a scholar-athlete award.  The award is given to the student who demonstrates the strong human characteristics and zeal that Johnnie Toth exhibited in his lifetime.


Deacon Henry & Thelma Hoelle

Beck Memorial Service Award

This scholarship award honors Deacon Henry Beck and his wife, Thelma Hoelle Beck who believed in service to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish and our school. Thelma graduated from OLR, volunteered at the school, was a member of the Boosters Club and active in many other ways. Henry was a Deacon here for 32 years and trained servers, coached sports teams, took care of the finances and sang in the choir. The family of Henry and Thelma hope that in establishing this service award our youth continue the values of dedicated service to our Catholic Church and our parishes and to reward those students who continue this tradition. 

College Promise Scholarship Winners

Every year the College Promise Scholarship is awarded by the state of Ohio to around 50 8th graders across the state. These students work hard in the classroom and earn free or very low-cost full tuition to college.

#congratulations to these #olrknights who received the Deacon Henry Beck & Thelma Hoelle Beck service awards today!  We are very proud of you!!
#congratulations to these two #olrknights who received the #collegepromise scholarship!  These students have worked hard and will received free or very low cost full tuition to college!  We are amazingly proud and honored to be a part of your education in!