
7:00 AM         Doors Open To All Students of OLR, Breakfast Begins

7: 30 AM           Students Must Be In The School Building Or They Will Be Marked Tardy, Students Move To Assigned Classrooms And Prepare For The School Day

7:35 AM            Attendance And Lunch Count Are Submitted, Announcements, School-Wide Prayer And Pledge of Allegiance Are Completed

7:45AM    First Period Class Begins

11:10 AM       Kindergarten And First Grade Begin Lunch

11: 40 AM     Kindergarten and First Go To Recess and Second and Third Go To Lunch

12:05 PM       Kindergarten and First Grades Return to Class, Second and Third Grades Go To Recess and Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades Go To Lunch

12:30 PM Fourth, Fifth And Sixth Grades Go To Recess, Second And Third Return To Class

12:45 PM Fourth, Fifth And Sixth Return To Class

2:00 PM           All Students Return To Homerooms For Dismissal Procedures

Arrival and Dismissal 



 Bus Riders are dismissed in the order of bus arrival.  After all buses have departed, walers and car-riders are dismissed by grade.  Parents are to remain in the parking lot area across the street from the school.  After walkers and car-riders have been dismissed, El Puente students will be dismissed.