7:00 AM Doors Open To All Students of OLR, Breakfast Begins
7: 30 AM Students Must Be In The School Building Or They Will Be Marked Tardy, Students Move To Assigned Classrooms And Prepare For The School Day
7:35 AM Attendance And Lunch Count Are Submitted, Announcements, School-Wide Prayer And Pledge of Allegiance Are Completed
7:45AM First Period Class Begins
11:10 AM Kindergarten And First Grade Begin Lunch
11: 40 AM Kindergarten and First Go To Recess and Second and Third Go To Lunch
12:05 PM Kindergarten and First Grades Return to Class, Second and Third Grades Go To Recess and Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades Go To Lunch
12:30 PM Fourth, Fifth And Sixth Grades Go To Recess, Second And Third Return To Class
12:45 PM Fourth, Fifth And Sixth Return To Class
2:00 PM All Students Return To Homerooms For Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal
ALL STUDENTS who are car-riders are to be dropped off in the main parking lot across the street from the school building. Students cannot be dropped off in the street or in the teacher parking lot. Notre Dame Avenue along the school property is a NO PARKING/NO STOPPING Zone. Students cannot be dropped off there. Parents, guardians and authorized transporters must park in a parking space for students to exit vehicles.
Walkers must stay on sidewalks and not walk through parking lots for safety purposes.
Bus riders will be dropped off at the predetermined bus area.
Bus Riders are dismissed in the order of bus arrival. After all buses have departed, walers and car-riders are dismissed by grade. Parents are to remain in the parking lot area across the street from the school. After walkers and car-riders have been dismissed, El Puente students will be dismissed.
Parents may NOT pick up or drop students in the street or teacher lot connected to the school building.
If your student's transportation changes from the norm, the office must be notified no later than 1:30pm through note, Talking Points App or phone call to the main office.
If you driving to pick up your child, you MUST pull into the parking lot and into a lined space to pick up your child.
Students may not change or determine their method of transportation. Parents or guardians need to communicate all changes.