Tuition & Fees


The tuition for Our Lady of the Rosary is recommended by the Education Commission and adopted by the Pastor and Finance Commission. A scale of the fees for the school year will be send home in February or March. Families who cannot afford to pay the designated tuition may choose to apply for tuition assistance by completing the FACTS Student Aid Form. FACTS is an independent agency, contracted by the Archdioceses, to do the financial assessment to determine what the family should be able to afford.

Tuition Payment System

SMART Tuition Management collects tuition on behalf of our school. Parents may choose one of the following options to pay tuition:

(Payments on the balance begin in July.)

Payments must be sent to SMART. There will be a late fee of $5 per month and $30 per month follow-up fee if payments are not received on time. If there are certain hardships circumstances this must be communicated to the tuition manager. The tuition manager and Pastor will make judgement in these individual cases. Quarterly grades will be withheld if tuition payments are not current.

A charge of $30 will be charged for any returned check. The school reserves the right to require cash or a money order payment if there is a problem with returned checks.

(Adopted by Education Commission 9/5/1988)

*If tuition payments are sixty (60) days delinquent, the student(s) will be excluded from school until the account is current. Repeated failure to keep accounts current could result in exclusion from Our Lady of the Rosary School. Failure to pay on time will result in non-acceptance of next school year's enrollment. Additionally, all accounts and fees must be cleared by the end of the school year. School records will not be released or transferred until all tuition and fees are paid in full. 

Additional Fees

There is a $100 Registration Fee for each family per year.  This is a nonrefundable fee and reserves a class spot for the child when all paperwork is completed and up to date.  Student class size is important and can exclude a student if the registration paperwork and fee is not completed before the class closes.

Damaged student equipment or school property will result in additional student fees determined by the cost of needed repairs or replacement.

There are NO FEES for breakfast or lunch.