Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
Under the guidelines set down by the State of Ohio, no student is to be excused from attending school unless sick, exposed to a contagious disease, or, upon request, excused for a limited amount of time for medical examination, emergency, or a bonafide situation which enhances the educational or cultural growth of that student.
1. Parents must notify the school before 8:30 AM that their child is ill and the nature of the illness. Call 222-7231 and leave a message at ext. 221 or "0" if you call early.
2. A note explaining the reason for the absence must be sent with the student the day returning to school.
3. Excessive absences/tardies will result in a mandatory attendance intervention plan that could result in the truancy officer becoming involved or the the students being asked to leave the school.
Late Arrivals
Parent/guardian must sign in his/her child at the office if arriving after 7:40 AM. Students who arrive after 10:00 AM will be counted absent for a half day rather than tardy.
Any student who does not arrive prior to 7:40 AM will be counted as an unexcused late arrival unless the excuse is due to a bus issue, a medical appointment, inclement weather, or approved by the administration.
Every three (3) unexcused late arrivals in a quarter will be recorded as one (1) unexcused day absent.
Excessive absences/tardies will result in a mandatory attendance intervention plan that could result in the truancy officer becoming involved or the the students being asked to leave the school.