Physical Education Overview

Physical Education the 5-8 graders learn about fitness, nutrition and how to take care of their bodies for life. They also learn many skills that will inspire them to stay fit for life. Some of those skills include: Golfing, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball, Football, and Soccer skills. The end goal is to familiarize the student with the skills so that they will always be able to choose to participate.

In grades k-4, the focus is on developing gross motor skills and start good habits for a fit life. The development of gross motor skills help the student in all areas of her life. It not only encourages the healthy development of the students balance, coordination and endurance; it also helps students develop healthy brain cells for more focused and sharper cognitive performance. These skills include, Throwing, kicking, running, jumping, batting, swinging, etc. All these skills are major players in a future healthy body and brain.